Three Collins Street projects begin their skyward ascent

Three Collins Street projects begin their skyward ascent
Laurence DragomirSeptember 1, 2017 has previously highlighted the significant transformation that is currently underway along the western reaches of Collin Street with three projects currently under construction and a number of others due to begin in the next few years.

The three projects in question - Collins Arch, Collins House and Olderfleet - have all recently had cranes erected following months of demolition and early site works, allowing these three skyline changing projects to begin rising out of the ground.

Together these three projects will also deliver 3,500 sqm of public realm, almost 100,000 sqm of office space, 294 hotel suites and 469 apartments between them over the next 3 years.

Below is a snapshot of the current state of play on each of these projects.

Three Collins Street projects begin their skyward ascent
Olderfleet (Mirvac), Collins House (Golden Age), Collins Arch (Cbus Property)

Collins Arch

The dual tower development affectionately referred to as 'the pantscraper' has the beginnings of its cores visible with the jump form no too far off.

The development has some way to go before it reaches Collins Street but with Multiplex at the helm its core should begin poking out above the street in the next few months, with the basement levels to follow. Its unique form will most likely appear on the skyline from mid next year.

Upon completion, the 41-storey Collins Arch will feature 294 hotel rooms, 43,000sqm of office space, 202 apartments and a 1,500 sqm park which will add much needed green space into the heart of the city. The Woods Bagot & SHoP designed project will rise to a height of 143m.

Three Collins Street projects begin their skyward ascent
Collins Arch construction progress. Images: (L-R) redden, Zekebe

Collins House

Golden Age's 204m Collins House project will be Australia's thinnest tower and as the below photos illustrate this is not without its challenges as the site's narrow footprint, constraints of neighbouring buildings and a single point of access created issues with the amount of room available to manoeuvre the various pieces of plant required for the ground works.

Despite this construction of the Bates Smart-designed residential tower is expected to pick up with builder Hickory employing its HBS construction method, with the site serviced by a single tower crane and major elements including façade and precast fabricated off-site and rapidly assembled on arrival to Collins Street.

Prefabricated Hickory structural units will be used from level 14 onwards, following the completion of conventional formwork construction. As a result of these construction techniques, the construction programme will be reduced by up to 30%.

Three Collins Street projects begin their skyward ascent
Collins House construction progress. Images: redden


Construction of Mirvac's Olderfleet project is in full swing with a targeted completion date of July 2020, when anchor tenant Deloitte will relocate into their Grimshaw-designed digs. In addition to the erection of the first crane behind the Olderlfleet buildings a gantry has also been installed to Collins Street.

The remnants of the 80's office building's western core is visible as the structure provides temporary structural support to the Olderfleet buildings. It will eventually be removed once the new structural elements are built. 

The now exposed rear of the Olderfleet buildings will once again disappear from view as the floor plates rise and obscure the view from the street. The southern facade will be cleaned and restored providing a unique backdrop to the projects lobby and 30m high atrium.

Three Collins Street projects begin their skyward ascent
Olderfleet construction progress. Images: redden

Lead Image: redden

Laurence Dragomir

Laurence Dragomir is one of the co-founders of Urban Melbourne. Laurence has developed a wealth of knowledge and experience working in both the private and public sector specialising in architecture, urban design and planning. He also has a keen interest in the built environment, cities and Star Wars.

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