Mount Druitt rental affordability: What landlords are asking from tenants
Mount Druitt - and the 2770 postcode - was identified as one of the most affordable rental suburbs closest to the Sydney central business district, according to Australia's first rental affordability index.
The index is a joint project between peak housing advocate National Shelter, Community Sector Banking and SGS Economics & Planning.
Property Observer went looking for select properties for rent in Sydney's Mount Druitt and came up with a range. Here's the highest, the lowest and a couple in-between:
1. A four-bedroom duplex at 20A Druitt Street, MOUNT DRUITT 2770 (above) available for $550 a week tops the rentals. The property last traded for $360,000 in 2012.
2. A three-bedroom house on 15 Anderson Avenue, BLACKETT 2770 (below) is available for $380 a week. The house sold in March for $440,000 at a gross rental yield of 4.49%.
3. A three-bedroom unit at 2/11-13 Durham Street, MOUNT DRUITT 2770 (below) tops the rentals for apartments at $420 a week. The unit sold for $398,000 in 2014 at a gross rental yield of 5.49%.
4. The bottom one is a two-bedroom unit at 16/28 Hythe Street, MOUNT DRUITT 2770, (below) available for $280 a week. The property last traded in 2007 for $145,000.
The median sale price of a house in Mount Druitt is $520,000 with a median gross yield of 3.9%, according to
The median rental is $390 per week and it sits at 808 across NSW, according to the data.
For apartments, the median sale price is $331,000 with a median gross yield of 5.3 percent.
The median rent is $340 per week, which is well below the national average of $390 per week.