Fishermans Bend Framework and Planning controls finalised

Fishermans Bend Framework and Planning controls finalised
Laurence DragomirOctober 5, 2018

The Minister for Planning, Richard Wynne, and the Member for Albert Park, Martin Foley, this morning launched the new Fishermans Bend Planning Framework at South Melbourne Primary School forecourt. 

This follows 12 months of extensive public consultation which also included a Planning Review Panel process, attracting over 250 submissions. The Framework will also be supported by an infrastructure funding plan to be announced at a later date.

Fishermans Bend represents Australia’s largest urban renewal project and seeks to capitalise on its proximity to the Melbourne CBD, Docklands and Southbank. The urban renewal precinct spans two municipalities across the City of Melbourne and the City of Port Phillip. By 2050 it will be home to around 80,000 residents and provide jobs for 80,000 people.

Fishermans Bend will see the delivery of the equivalent of 60 MCGs worth of new open space, in addition to housing diversity and typologies to ensure Fishermans Bend doesn't become simply another high-rise suburb. It will also include a six per cent affordable housing target for all new developments, with the potential for developers to opt into a Floor Area Uplift via delivery of affordable housing.

The new Framework was developed to guide the vision for Fishermans Bend over the course of the next 30 years, with a real focus on building a community that is supported by new primary and secondary schools, public transport and walking and cycling links.

Already the South Melbourne Primary School has been delivered, with a new park within Montague near complete. Planning is already underway on a new secondary school within what will become the Wirraway Precinct adjacent to JL Murphy Reserve.

Twenty-six tower proposals were ‘called in’ by the Minister for Planning earlier this year and will now be assessed by a Standing Advisory Committee against the new planning controls, which were also announced this morning.

The release of the Framework and Planning Controls for Fishermans Bend follows the establishment of the Fishermans Bend Development Board in August this year. The Board's role will be to provide guidance on the planning and development of the urban renewal precinct, in addition to community engagement and providing advice on the preparation of Precinct Plans and major decisions for Fishermans Bend.

The board will be led by Ms Meredith Sussex AM as Chair. Ms Sussex is joined by a team of five experts in planning, industry, finance and transport: Ms Cheryl Batagol PSM, Ms Janet Bolitho, Mr Gary Liddle, Mr Martyn Myer AO and Ms Susan Oliver. will provide further analysis however in the meantime, see the framework on

What they say...

We’re fixing the mess Matthew Guy created when he rezoned swathes of land overnight to benefit a few fortunate land holders, in actions roundly condemned by an independent review panel.

This Framework will make Fishermans Bend a community – rather than a concrete jungle – with schools, public transport and green, open spaces to meet friends and kick a footy.

Richard Wynne, Minister for Planning


Matthew Guy’s dodgy rezoning was an absolute disaster - which is why we’re making sure the planning changes needed to protect Fishermans Bend are enshrined in law, so that this community can continue to grow and flourish.

I thank everyone who contributed to the Framework and helped save Fishermans Bend from the Liberal Party.

- Martin Foley, Member for Albert Park

Lead Image: Lensaloft via

Laurence Dragomir

Laurence Dragomir is one of the co-founders of Urban Melbourne. Laurence has developed a wealth of knowledge and experience working in both the private and public sector specialising in architecture, urban design and planning. He also has a keen interest in the built environment, cities and Star Wars.

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