2018 Victorian Architecture Awards Shortlist announced
With more than half of Melbourne's architecture fraternity currently overseas to see Baracco + Wright & Linda Tegg's exhibition at the Australian Pavilion for the Venice Biennale, the announcement of the shortlist for the 2018 Victorian Architecture Awards took a slight backseat to social media (boasts) posts all over Venice.
The 2018 awards program, run by the Victorian Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects, saw a record 268 entries received, with the shortlist comprising a total of 108 projects across 14 categories ranging from residential to public, commercial and educational architecture.
Truly exceptional architecture has the power to improve how people experience life, both in their own private spaces and in the public realm. As reflected in this year’s awards, it’s been a significant year for architecture.
In Victoria we have a rich and ingrained culture supporting strong and diverse architectural endeavours. It is always so encouraging to see architects continuing to challenge the status quo in order for our cities and communities to evolve.
This shortlist defines the many forms outstanding design can take, from projects that provide innovative educational spaces offering varying ways for students to learn and engage, to new housing typologies that create a platform for better community engagement.
The common denominator in successful projects is supportive and engaged clients who acknowledge the value that quality architecture interventions can bring to building strong and successful communities.
Carefully considered buildings, urban design interventions and infrastructure projects can take many years to procure. The awards program is an opportunity to celebrate the passionate and cohesive teams of architects, clients, consultants and builders who bring them to fruition.
- Amy Muir, Victorian Chapter President
The most significant themes to emerge from this year’s shortlist were the emphasis on the importance of the public realm and the far-reaching contribution that architecture makes to daily life.
2018 Victorian Architecture Awards Shortlist
Residential Architecture – Houses (New) 27 entries / 16 shortlisted projects
Tucks Ridge House - Adrian Bonomi Architect | Moonah Home - Bellemo & Cat | Shrouded House - BKK Architects | Humble House - Coy Yiontis Architects | DATUM HOUSE - FIGR Architecture | Park House - Kerstin Thompson Architects Compound House - March Studio | Triangle House - Molecule Studio | Two Halves - Moloney Architects | Ross - Ola Studio | First Lessons House - Ray Dinh Architecture | House on the Coast - Sean Godsell Architects | Lauriston House - Seeley Architects | Bellerine Pavilion House - Tecture Architecture & Interior Design | Matilda - Templeton Architecture | Towers Road House - Wood Marsh Architecture
Residential Architecture – Multiple Housing 25 entries / 9 shortlisted projects
35 Spring Street - Bates Smart | Nightingale 1 - Breathe Architecture | Campbell Street - DKO Architecture and SLAB | Parkville Townhouses - Fieldwork | McAuley Community Services for Women - Hede Architects Pty Ltd | Averi - Jackson Clements Burrows | Banksia, NewQuay - McBride Charles Ryan | Elwood House - Woods Bagot | C.F. Row - Woods Bagot
Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations & Additions) 50 entries/ 11 shortlisted projects
Hatherlie - Andrew Simpson Architects | The Kite - Architecture Architecture | King Bill - Austin Maynard Architects | St Vincents Place Residence - B.E Architecture | Old Be-al - FMD Architects pty ltd | Boneo Country House - John Wardle Architects | Dark Light House - MRTN Architects | Highbury Grove - RITZ&GHOUGASSIAN |Station Street House - Robert Simeoni Architects | Fawkner Street - Workshop Architecture | Tiger Prawn - WOWOWA Architecture
Small Project Architecture 30 entries / 8 shortlisted projects
Sound Field - BLOXAS with Arup | Campbell Street - DKO Architecture and SLAB | Gertrude Contemporary - Edition Office | Multipurpose Centre - Kosloff Architecture | Garden Wall (NGV Architecture Commission) - Retallack Thompson and Other Architects | Elgin Street Residence - Sonelo Design Studio | Koondrook Wharf - TERROIR | Sorrento Visitor Centre - Workshop Architecture
Urban Design 14 entries /5 shortlisted projects
Monash Transport Interchange - John Wardle Architects | New Academic Street, RMIT University - Lyons with NMBW Architecture Studio, Harrison and White, MvS Architects and Maddison Architects | Caribbean Park, Public Realm Stage 1 and 2 - Peter Ryan Architects with OCULUS Landscape Architecture and Urban Design | Koondrook Wharf - TERROIR | Deakin Link - watsonarchitecture+design
Heritage Architecture 14 entries / 8 shortlisted projects
St Vincents Place Residence - B.E Architecture | James Street Residence - B.E Architecture | Carlton Court House - HLCD Pty Ltd with Somerville Design | Longsong - Jackson Clements Burrows with John van Haandel | Elberfeld House - Jane Riddell Architects | Victorian College of the Arts former Mounted Police Stables - Kerstin Thompson Architects | North Melbourne Terrace - Matt Gibson Architecture + Design | 'Cassiope' alterations & additions - RBA Architects + Conservation Consultants
Commercial Architecture 17 entries / 5 shortlisted projects
Jackalope - Carr | Barwon Water - GHDWoodhead | Mercedes Me - Jackson Clements Burrows | Pt Leo Estate - Jolson Architecture & Interiors | GMHBA Stadium - Populous
Interior Architecture 58 entries /12 shortlisted projects
Jackalope - Carr | Henry Street House - Eugene Cheah Architecture | Passage - Honeyman + Smith | Boneo Country House - John Wardle Architects | Monash University CAULFIELD Library Refurbishment - John Wardle Architects | Monash University Learning and Teaching Building - John Wardle Architects | Victorian College of the Arts former Mounted Police Stables - Kerstin Thompson Architects | Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Deepdene - Law Architects | New Academic Street, RMIT University - Lyons with NMBW Architecture Studio, MvS Architecture, Harrison & White and Maddison Architects | Armadale Residence - Rob Mills Architecture & Interiors | Station Street House - Robert Simeoni Architects | Space & Time - Russell & George
Public Architecture 11 entries / 4 shortlisted projects
Atrium of Holy Angels Mausoleum - Harmer Architecture | Bendigo Hospital - Silver Thomas Hanley with Bates Smart | Bunjil Place - FJMT | North Fitzroy Library and Community Hub - GroupGSA
Educational Architecture 21 entries / 13 shortlisted projects
Artemis Centre, Melbourne Girls Grammar School - BVN Monash University | The Sir Louis Matheson Library Refurbishment - Cox Architecture | The Geoff Handbury Science and Technology Hub, Melbourne Grammar School - Denton Corker Marshall | Monash University Learning and Teaching Building - John Wardle Architects | Monash University CAULFIELD Library Refurbishment - John Wardle Architects | Victorian College of the Arts former Mounted Police Stables - Kerstin Thompson Architects | 18 Innovation Walk Revitalisation Project - Kosloff Architecture + Callum Morton + MAP (Monash Art Projects) | New Academic Street, RMIT University - Lyons with NMBW Architecture Studio, Harrison and White, MvS Architects and Maddison Architects | Trinity Grammar School, Centre for Business and Social Enterprise - Mc Intyre Partnership Architects | Monash Business School Redevelopment CAULFIELD - NH Architecture | Camberwell Grammar School Sports Centre and Chapel - Peter Crone Architects | Ruyton Girls School, Junior School Campus - Sally Draper Architects with DP Toscano Architects | University of Melbourne Academic Services - Six Degrees Architects
Sustainable Architecture 6 shortlisted projects
Nightingale 1 - Breathe Architecture | Barwon Water - GHDWoodhead | North Fitzroy Library and Community Hub - GroupGSA | 18 Innovation Walk Revitalisation Project - Kosloff Architecture + Callum Morton + MAP (Monash Art Projects) | New Academic Street, RMIT University - Lyons with NMBW Architecture Studio, Harrison and White, MvS Architects and Maddison Architects | Space & Time - Russell & George
Regional Prize 3 shortlisted projects
Barwon Water - GHDWoodhead | Koondrook Wharf - TERROIR | Sorrento Visitor Centre - Workshop Architecture
COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture 4 shortlisted projects
King Bill - Austin Maynard Architects | Compound House - March Studio | Bugiga Hiker Camp, Grampians National Park - Sean Godsell Architects | Unfolding House - Sibling Architecture
Melbourne Prize 4 shortlisted projects
Nightingale 1 - Breathe Architecture | North Fitzroy Library and Community Hub - GroupGSA | McAuley Community Services for Women - Hede Architects Pty Ltd | New Academic Street, RMIT University - Lyons with NMBW Architecture Studio, Harrison and White, MvS Architects and Maddison Architects
The winners of the 2018 Victorian Architecture Awards will be announced at the awards dinner on 29 June 2018. Winners of each category will then progress to compete in the National Architecture Awards program.
Lead image: New Academic Street RMIT University, Peter Bennett