Melbourne industrial market driving construction-ready demand: Savills
More than 145,000 square metres of speculative industrial development greater than 5000 sqm is underway across Melbourne’s industrial markets, according to Savills.
Savills’ Victorian research manager, Monica Mondkar, said another 400,000 plus square metres is in the planning stages and likely to be driven by pre-commitment activity.
"An additional of 93,715 square metres of warehousing space was currently in early planning stages in the north, and another 318,973 square metres - all at Melbourne Airport Business Park precinct - in the north, however the majority was expected to commence construction based on pre-commitment activity," she said.
"The figures include 27,000 square metres of speculative construction scheduled for completion within next 12 months in Melbourne’s western region, 58,485 square metres in the northern region and more than 60,000 square metres in the south-east.
"The figures did not include the conceivably greater number of projects under 5000 square metres and are a modest estimate based on planning applications for industrial development including warehouses, distribution centres and cold storage facilities.
"Some 871,836 square metres of industrial space was reported leased in the 12 months to March in Victoria - up a healthy 36 percent on the five year average figure of 641,328 square metres – with pre-commitments accounting for a significant 309,691 square metres."
Savills’ Industrial Director, Michael Green said the demand and the relative scarcity of development sites was putting upwards pressure on values for smaller allotments with prices on some estates in the north and south-east at $300 plus a square metre.
"Demand for lots in the northern region had left only eight lots available at McMullin Group’s Northpoint Enterprise Park," he said.
"Genesis Developments had sold out a speculative 11 unit development and was now in the process of building another high-end speculative 20 unit development next door on the back of those sales, while at MAB’s Alliance Business Park nearby, six lots were sold or under offer in the last stage of that development.
"In the south-east a private Melbourne based developer has purchased the last three vacant parcels of industrial land totaling 7000 square metres at Hallam Central Business Park for just over $2 million with plans for speculative development, while in the west 13 development sites totaling 12.8 hectares at Goodman’s Westside Industrial Estate, also earmarked for speculative development, sold for more than $20 million over just four weeks in January and February."