WA City Deals will create jobs and vibrant communities

WA City Deals will create jobs and vibrant communities
Staff reporterJuly 25, 2017

The Property Council welcomes the announcement that WA is set to be the first Australian capital city to enter into a City Deals agreement.

Lino Iacomella, Property Council WA Executive Director said the announcement by Federal Minister for Cities and Digital Transformation Angus Taylor that Perth is next in line for City Deals is a game-changer in achieving the twin goals of funding infrastructure and local planning reform.

“A City Deal is an agreement between federal, State, and local governments to deliver funding for infrastructure like a light rail project," he said.

“It’s about time WA receives a City Deal. 

“For too long WA has missed out on federal funding for infrastructure because we were not prepared.

“It is great that the WA Government has stepped up and commenced discussions with Canberra about doing City Deal.

“However, a few important steps need to be taken quickly if WA is to finally achieve a City Deals agreement.

“The State Government must fast-track the establishment of Infrastructure WA to ensure our infrastructure needs are prioritised and made transparent, which will allow the Federal Government to put aside funding well in advance.

“At the same time, the State Government must ensure that local governments modernise their local planning rules. 

“Property Council research found that most local governments in Perth do not have up to date local planning strategies which stalls development and deters much-needed investment in our State.

“City Deals will enable the State Government to fund election promises such as the Ellenbrook rail line and METRONET.

“These projects will create thousands of jobs as well as vibrant communities in the hubs that will surround the new transport nodes.

“Access to this funding mechanism is essential to keep WA growing,” Mr Iacomella said.

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