The Block reserves were conservative or did the buyers overpay?
Property ObserverJuly 29, 2013
The Block Sky High initial reserve prices were set before the renovations:
- Apartment 5 Trixie & Johnno – $1.41 million
- Apartment 4 Madi & Jarrod – $1.34 million
- Apartment 3 Bec & George – $1.28 million
- Apartment 2 Matt & Kym – $1.22 million
- Apartment 1 Alisa & Lysandra – $1.16 million
So there was $250,000 difference between top and bottom offerings on initial valuation.
The final sale price had the difference at $170,000 suggesting the design and emotion of the auction had an impact. Or the valuer setting the reserve got it something wrong.
- Apartment 5 Trixie & Johnno – $1.605 million
- Apartment 4 Madi & Jarrod – $1.601 million
- Apartment 3 Bec & George – $1.507 million
- Apartment 2 Matt & Kym – $1.455 million
- Apartment 1 Alisa & Lysandra – $1.435 million
The profit amount over amended reserves:
- Trixie & Johnno – $205,000
- Madi & Jarrod – $291,000
- Bec & George – $242,000
- Matt & Kym – $250,000
- Alisa & Lysandra – $295,000
{module Which Block Sky High apartment sale price will be the hardest to get a profitable resale on?}