Queen Victoria Market renewal update

Queen Victoria Market renewal update
Laurence DragomirAugust 19, 2015

In order to facilitate its $250 million redevelopment of the Queen Victoria Market, the City of Melbourne is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from consortia or individual companies to deliver a mixed-use development for the Munro site on the corner of Queen and Therry Streets. EOI's for the site close on 1st September from which point an Evaluation Panel chaired by CoM's Director City Design and Projects will evaluate registrants based on a series of criteria outlined within the EOI document.

The move follows City of Melbourne purchasing the 6,329sqm site in October of last year for $76 million and their recent approval of the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Master Plan. Development of the site is expected to include apartment towers up to 40-storeys, in addition to a 720 space customer car park, specialty retail and hospitality spaces, community facilities including a childcare centre and family hub, a mid-block link between Franklin Street and Therry Street and affordable housing.

This is a rare opportunity for the private sector to partner with Council to deliver an exemplar mixed-use development with all the hallmarks of what we consider smart development: residential apartments, childcare, family services, commercial and retail uses and the latest in environmental sustainability

Lord Mayor Robert Doyle

A planning scheme amendment has also been submitted to Minister for Planning Richard Wynne that would remove the discretionary 20-metre height restrictions, yet City of Melbourne will maintain ultimate control of what is built on the land, having placed restrictions on street frontage heights and setbacks to create a space that facilitates pedestrian traffic, ensures that the heritage character of the original market is retained and introduces tower separation and weather protection strategies.

The relationship between the Queen Victoria Market Precinct and the surrounding city have changed over time. What was once a transitional zone between the central city and low-intensity suburbs is now an integral part of the central city and emerging City North growth area. Existing controls over the built form of new development in the precinct have become dated.

The City of Melbourne therefore commenced a process of reviewing and updating planning controls over the precinct, including a formal Planning Scheme Amendment process, to better support the precinct’s changing role.

QVM Renewal Master Plan

To further support the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal, the Victorian Government and the City of Melbourne have entered into a formal agreement to realign Franklin Street at the south end of the market and transfer some Crown land to the City of Melbourne. Freehold land will be created as a result of the land transfer, providing opportunities for commercial and residential development to add to the vibrancy and potential of the area.

Funds secured through the development of this land will be reinvested into the Queen Victoria Market. The realignment of Franklin Street will improve vehicular movements, deliver economic benefits and create a new route to Docklands.

Key development timing obligations

Queen Victoria Market renewal update
QVM Renewal Precinct and Staging plan.
  • Replace current car spaces within the existing at grade car park (A) elsewhere within the market precinct by 2019, and convert the existing car park to a high quality public space by 2022.
  • Construct a new Queen’s Corner building within a portion of the Queen Street road reserve (B) for the Victoria Visitor Centre and new market management facilities by 2026.
  • Construct New Franklin Street by 2019 (C).
  • Reconfigure land parcels Including the retained Franklin Street stores (D) and portions of the Franklin Street road reserve (E) to create mixed use development sites by 2026.
  • Enhance and renovate northern Upper Market Sheds to support trading and incorporate new market trading services and facilities by 2019 (F).
  • Upgrade streetscapes adjoining Queen Victoria Market (Elizabeth, Peel, Queen, Therry and Victoria streets) and public transport infrastructure by 2026.
  • Corner Queen and Therry streets (commonly known as the Munro site)

Project Planning Framework

In the associated Master Plan, the market has been divided into four quarters, each linked to each other by a market cross of public spaces within the heart of the precinct. The intent is to coordinate a suite of projects that can be developed with a degree of independence from each other, yet also complement each other and contribute to the precinct as a whole.

For each of these quarters, the Master Plan sets out the preferred vision for the future of that part of the market, priorities identified through the community and trader engagement process, and key proposals for improvements.

Queen Victoria Market renewal update
Queen Victoria Market Renewal 'Quarters'

Q1 The market halls will continue to focus on food and hospitality including meat, fish and specialty food vendors. Shops facing surrounding streets will welcome visitors to the precinct with high quality retail and hospitality establishments and make the market a special destination at all times. Improvements will include modern trader facilities, storage, waste management, and other infrastructure.

Q2 The open-air heritage sheds will accommodate fixed trading with a focus on fruit and vegetables and a high quality non-food offer. New trader facilities, storage, waste management and other infrastructure will reduce servicing intrusions in public areas. The Victoria Street shops, F Shed and improvements along the Peel Street edge will shelter the sheds and activate the streets.

Q3 The area south of the old cemetery wall will accommodate changing markets and events. A new open space and enhancements to the existing sheds will create a unique indoor/outdoor facility and a new public place for City North. New trader amenities, storage and other infrastructure will support this approach. A new Queen’s Corner building will accommodate visitor and customer services. The market’s old Franklin Street stores will be re-used within a mixed use development south of New Franklin Street.

Q4 A new mixed use development will accommodate retail, hospitality and community uses complementing Queen Victoria Market. It will also include the market’s main customer car park, a new mid-block pedestrian laneway or arcade linking Franklin Street to Therry Street, and facilities to support the growing local community.

The full Master Plan is available from Participate Melbourne.

Laurence Dragomir

Laurence Dragomir is one of the co-founders of Urban Melbourne. Laurence has developed a wealth of knowledge and experience working in both the private and public sector specialising in architecture, urban design and planning. He also has a keen interest in the built environment, cities and Star Wars.

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