Planning Minister approves new residential zones in 39 Victorian LGAs

Planning Minister approves new residential zones in 39 Victorian LGAs
Colleen PetersonJune 14, 2014

Consistent with the Planning Minister’s approach for making a splash, he announced on Friday (13/6) that 39 Victorian municipalities will have their current residential zones converted into the new suite of residential zones as of today. Whilst the amendments also make some other changes, like including business zoned land into the reformed Commercial Zones, the main theme of the Special Government Gazette was the implementation of the new residential zones across more than half of Victoria.

For the large part, these changes result in the translation of Residential 1 Zoned land being converted into the General Residential Zone (GRZ), which is the most neutral outcome possible under the circumstances. We would say that this is a smart move on behalf of the Minister, in that it resolves the zones for these 39 local government areas, taking the less controversial translations off his desk and providing certainty for all parties in those municipalities. It is also to the credit of these municipalities in taking a responsible approach in the translation of the zones, a number of which will likely seek further changes down the track, when their strategic housing strategies are developed and go through due process.

The main surprise is the inclusion of the City of Melbourne, which will have all its Residential 1 and Residential 2 Zoned land translated into the GRZ. Whilst this is consistent with the way in which Melbourne City Council originally exhibited the implementation of the zones, it is not the final position of the Council as a consequence of political lobbying by various interest groups. Given the Melbourne CC will be part of Stage 2 of the Residential Zones Standing Advisory Committee, we would expect that the allocation of the General Residential Zone may be a temporary outcome, pending the results of the Committee Review.

In summary, the Councils and the changes are as follows, noting that you should make specific enquiries as to how it will affect your own land:

Council:     Central Goldfields, Gannawarra, Macedon Ranges, Mildura, Mount Alexander, Alpine, Benalla, Indigo, Mansfield, Moira, Murrindindi, Strathbogie, Towong, Bass Coast, Baw Baw, East Gippsland, South Gippsland, Moyne and Wellington
Change:    Replaces the Residential 1 Zone with the General Residential Zone

Council:      Hobsons Bay, Hume, Melbourne, Mitchell, Wyndham, Golden Plains, Hepburn, Hindmarsh, Horsham, Northern Grampians, Pyrenees, Yarriambiack, Wodonga
Change:   Residential 2 Zone to the General Residential Zone

Council:     Colac Otway
Change:   Rezoning land in Residential 1 Zone to the General Residential Zone Schedule 1 and land in Apollo Bay and Marengo covered by Design and Development Overlay Schedule 7 and Development Plan Overlay Schedule 4 to the Neighbourhood Residential Zone Schedule 1

Council:     Monash
Change:   Replaces land in the Residential 1 Zone into the General Residential Zone and land with a Heritage Overlay in the Neighbourhood Residential Zone

Council:      Surf Coast
Change:   Rezones all Residential 1 Zone land to General Residential Zone Schedule 1; rezones all Residential 2 Zone land to General Residential Zone Schedule 2

Council:      Warrnambool
Change:    All land currently in the Residential 1 Zone to the General Residential Zone Schedule 1, removes Schedule 4 to the Design and Development Overlay from all residential land

Council:      Yarra Ranges
Change:    Introduces the Residential Growth Zone, General Residential Zone and Neighbourhood Residential Zone

This article was originally published on Ratio Consultants website. Ratio Consultants is an Industry Hub member.

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