What can investors find in Tamworth's high end market? HTW residential
The high end market in Tamworth can be broken into three distinct sections – the new, the old and the lifestyle, according to the latest Herron Todd White (HTW) residential report.
"The bigger the better, whether that is dwelling size, land size or even the view - if you’re after high end property in Tamworth they are all a must have," the valuation firm said.
"In the new market, we saw 66 Campbell Road, Calala (pictured below) sell for $780,000."
This property is a 2012 built home of exceptional quality.
It was the improvements that pushed the property up the price ladder with an in-ground pool, workshop, granny flat and to top it all off views over the local farmland while still being an easy 650 metre walk to the local shopping centre.
"For those who like a bit of character in their home, East Tamworth is the place to look with 109 White Street (pictured below) recently selling for $920,000.
"Now what you get for this type of money is an exceptionally well maintained and renovated circa 1940 double brick home with incredible views over the city of Tamworth all nestled in manicured lawns to make the most of those summer days and the view. All of this and to be less than 1.5 kilometres from the CBD! What a home!" the valuation firm commented.
Last but certainly not least is the lifestyle market.
"What we mean by lifestyle is any property from one hectare up to ten hectares where you have room to move and space to run a horse, motorbike or just enjoy not having neighbours too close," the valuation firm said.
"So once you’ve chosen this route, you then need to decide whether you go new or old, as the lifestyle market offers you a range of options.
"If you went new, then 4 Horseshoe Place, Moore Creek (pictured below) sold for $820,000, which would have given you a four-year-old house with a whopping 319 square metres of living of the utmost quality throughout."
Add to this the 2.31 hectares of space and the large workshop and the home is ready to go.
The downside of new however is the lack of established gardens and ancillary improvements.
This is where 939 Daruka Road at $790,000 steps in, with its 2.03 hectares of landscaped gardens, in-ground pool and exceptional shedding.
"All the hard work is done with nothing to do but sit back and relax," the valuation firm said.
"Whatever your choice, the high-end of the Tamworth market will have a property to suit your needs with a number of options to ensure that your home ticks all of your boxes."