New applications roll into City of Port Phillip
Continuing the focus on City of Port Phillip this week, the municipality's planning department is currently occupied with a cluster of medium-sized planning applications currently going through the approvals process. Following on from yesterday's profile of K1 Union Street, five further planning applications are highlighted below, representing the next wave of apartment developments in the municipality.
228 Dorcas Street & 10-14 Charles Street, South Melbourne
Following their recent Mint apartment block design, Wood Marsh have been enlisted by Piccolo Developments to deliver the boutique developer's next project just off Clarendon Street, South Melbourne. Initially at 10 levels, the proposal has been revised to seven levels in order to meet Council expectations.
Demolition is expected for the Victorian era building and adjoining stable on the Charles Street property, with the new building likely to hold 36 dwellings, a 336sqm office level (most likely for Piccolo Developments) and two retail spaces at ground level of 160sqm and 200sqm. The project has been recommended for approval.
80-86 Market Street, South Melbourne
Generally more accustomed to health projects, Billard Leece Partnership are responsible for a new six level commercial design on Market Street, South Melbourne. Firewall Pty Ltd are behind the proposal which would see the 24.3 metre high structure replace a low-rise commercial complex and open air car park.
Market Street is becoming increasingly popular with both commercial and residential developments of late. Directly opposite 80-86 Market Street , The Walker at 79 Market Street is under construction while Teri Apartments at 85 Market Street is at sales.
550 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne
Bordering Fishermans Bend's Sandridge Precinct, 550 Williamstown Road has been devised for SG Port Melbourne Pty Ltd. On a 967sqm site, the six level building seeks to replace an onsite auto garage and car park with a Jackson Clement Burrowes design of some 33 apartments.
Living spaces are slated to range between 47.9sqm for single bedroom dwellings to 143.3sqm for the largest 3 bedroom apartment on offer. A communal vegetable garden is located atop one of the setbacks while a reflective garden is located at ground level as seen in the above image.
179 Gladstone Street, South Melbourne
Jackson Clement Burrowes features once more with Crowbuild commissioning the practice to redesign an already approved scheme within Fishermans Bend. As submitted, the JCB design will also span seven levels with an art gallery approved for the previous proposal removed, while a 66sqm rooftop terrace will be incorporated to service the 16 apartments.
The design has been described as architecturally well resolved to all elevations with the project recommended for approval.
165-167 Gladstone Street, South Melbourne
Almost next door, City of Port Phillip are assessing the merits of an eight level apartment block designed by DKO Architecture which supersedes an 18 level proposal for the site. Predominantly precast with highlights of metal clad and stone/tile finish, 165-167 Gladstone Street will carry a retail tenancy, 45 apartments, 22 car parking spaces and associated bicycle storage.
A mix of one, two and three bedroom dwellings are included for the project on behalf of BPM. Apartment sizes range between 45sqm and 106sqm within the proposal, which has also been recommended for approval.
Further to the above a handful of additional projects are in the pipeline, including the redevelopment of 103 Beach Street opposite Station Pier and 278-282 Kings Way, South Melbourne. The application seeking a seven level apartment complex looks to correlate with GURNER's concept image for their forthcoming Kings Way development as seen below.