LongView launches with aim of introducing a major shift in real estate
Launched earlier this month, Melbourne real estate agency LongView is aiming to introduce a fundamental shift in the property investment space - offering property investors and mum and dad home owners a variety of services that will help them capitalise on their property investments.
LongView is offering Guaranteed Rent on any property an investor owns, providing them with financial security. LongView services over 1,800 properties across 146 suburbs all over Melbourne – enabling property investors and industry partners to have a single agency for all their Melbourne business.
LongView expects its Guaranteed Rent will provide property owners with a welcome boost, particularly with the growing uncertainty surrounding the future value of Melbourne’s property prices. Irrespective of whether the property is tenanted or vacant or whether the tenant is on time with paying rent or not, LongView's goal is to take the risk out of property investing.
Co-founder Evan Thornley, leads LongView’s executive team as Executive Director along with Antony Cohen - a former Senior Partner and Board Director of KPMG. According to Thornley, LongView is the only agency that offers their customers a binding legal contract for Guaranteed Rent on any investment property - at full market value, ensuring secure cash flow for landlords and investors.
For more information visit https://longview.com.au
Evan Thornley, Executive Chair
“Investors have been demanding change for a long time and we have spent four years of intensive research developing every aspect of LongView Real Estate. We’ve been talking to property investors and listening to their concerns and hearing their needs.
While Guaranteed Rent is a fantastic concept that we are very proud of, we absolutely focus on getting the basic services to clients right as well. That means being accessible till 10pm at night, have clear contact details in every email and regularly asking and measuring our client satisfaction.
LongView’s focus is on servicing investors’ needs, and helping them understand all the options to maximise value from their property investments - not constantly pressuring to sell - that’s our point of difference.
Property investment is a long game. Investors need an agency that will deliver the basics every day for decades and give them unbiased advice on all their options when the big decisions come for each property.
We have developed a model that works, using data to help support our insights. We offer a unique Guaranteed Rent for their property – something no other agency will do. By delivering the basic services with measured quality standards and guaranteed cash flow, we offer property investors stability and peace of mind.
Property investors make their money over decades through capital growth and rising income. We offer an alternative to traditional real estate agencies that aren’t focused on investors and push for a one-month romance to pressure you to sell. We seek to deliver the best basic services every day for decades and unique options and services for the big property decisions.”