Hosier Lane off the boil?
Having little more than an appreciation of what Hosier Lane adds to Melbourne's urban environment, it is hard to accurately judge where the renowned street art hub is at.
According to HosierLane.com street art "Mostly refers to unsanctioned work born illicitly by defacing a wall or other surface, however can take many forms including, spray paint, stencil art." With that in mind outsiders such as myself are in no position to judge the validity of what is currently adorning the walls of Hosier Lane.
I would suggest the precinct reached its zenith visually late last year with the sanctioned Paint It Black project, but as Urban.com.au member Melbourne Fragments stated "This complete commidification and partitioning of ownership goes totally againt the whole point of street art and the reason this laneway became popular for it."
For comparison sake, see the Hosier Inc compilation video created earlier this year which highlights the array of murals; most of which have come and gone.
As it stands Hosier Lane looks more an exercise in excessive tagging than a muse for budding artists, but once more, what would I know.
View the relatively light yet still interesting current batch of Hosier Lane street art below, and as always enjoy.