Flemington takes top spot in Melbourne's fastest selling houses: Investar
Flemington is ranked the Melbourne suburb with the fastest selling houses, according to Investar’s latest market report.
The property investment firm calculates houses listed by private treaty in Flemington sell in 39 days.
This is followed by Kensington at 40 days and CAULFIELD SOUTH at 42 days.
Suburb | Postcode | Dwelling type | Bedrooms | Days on market |
Flemington | 3031 | House | 3 | 39 |
Kensington | 3031 | House | 2 | 40 |
CAULFIELD SOUTH | 3162 | House | 3 | 42 |
Elsternwick | 3185 | House | 3 | 42 |
Brunswick | 3056 | House | 2 | 43 |
This list was produced using live on the market sales listing data.
It is also calculated at both a dwelling type and bedroom number level. It is designed to identify the fastest moving suburbs based on the average days a listing spends on the market at a suburb and property type level.
Low average days on market indicates that the market is turning over stock quickly which may indicate that demand is stronger than supply.
Houses for sale at Flemington at the median price of $850,000 include a three bedroom home at 17 Sturt Street (above) that was offered for auction with price guidance between $850,000 to $900,000.
It fetched $1,237,000 at weekend auction.