Rising Sydney house prices a Prime Ministerial hope
As someone who owns a house in Sydney, I do hope our housing prices are increasing, said Prime Minister Tony Abbott in question time today.
The Prime Minister, asked in question time whether he agreed with John Fraser about the housing bubble in Sydney and parts of Melbourne, said he wanted housing to be affordable, "but nevertheless I also want house prices to be modestly increasing."
“Madam Speaker, the important thing is to ensure that our economy is as strong as possible so that people have as much resources at their disposal as possible, have jobs, so that they can go out there and buy the things they need including the housing that they need," the Prime Minister said
“This government is trying to make housing more available, we’ve tried to make housing more affordable, and the best way to make housing more affordable is to keep interest rates low and stable and that’s exactly what’s happening and trying to make sure the economy is strong.
“As someone who along with a bank owns a house in Sydney I do hope that our housing prices are increasing.
“I do want housing to be affordable, but nevertheless I also want house prices to be modestly increasing."
Tony Abbott co-owns his family home at Forestville, in his northern beaches electorate of Warringah.