Property 101: Submissions open for new VCAT fee structure

Property 101: Submissions open for new VCAT fee structure
Property ObserverApril 25, 2016

Public comments and submissions are invited on a proposed new fee structure for the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

The existing regulations governing fees at VCAT are set to expire on 30 June 2016. The government is taking this opportunity to design a new fee structure that will more accurately reflect the cost of operating VCAT and more fairly distribute the proportion of that cost that is paid for by users.

In accordance with the Victorian Guide to Regulation, the government now seeks the views of the public on the proposed regulations, in the hope that their quality and usefulness can be improved by integrating the information and perspectives of the community.


Public comments and submissions are invited on the attached Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) and proposed regulations. Submissions must be received no later than 5pm on Monday, 2 May 2016. The submissions will be considered before the proposed regulations are made.

All submissions will be treated as public documents, will be provided to the Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee, and are subject to legislation such as the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

For more information, click here.

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