Sydney Trains seek lease interest for St James Station tunnel redevelopment
Sydney Trains are seeking expressions of interest from experienced leisure operators to deliver a re-use project in the The Tunnels at St James Station.
The network of underground tunnel spaces, and unused platforms, is set for bars, restaurants and retail spaces.
The underground area sits within St James Station, a state-owned heritage asset built in the 1920s.
St James Station sees nearly seven million trips originating or terminating from its station.
The spaces were set for a train link to the northern beaches, however the plans were abandoned during the great depression in the 1930s.
The 6,000 sqm of underground space was designated as air raid shelters, but never used, during World War II.
There was an initial marketing campaign last November seeking interest from entrepreneurs keen to design, fund and develop the unused spaces under a long-term stratum lease.