Saul Eslake, one of the Australia's most prominent economists, has left Bank of America Merrill Lynch after three and a half years.
The Australian Financial Review reported Saul Eslake announced his retirement from the firm on Friday.
He will return to his private consultancy business, based out of Tasmania.
BoAML Australia chief executive Kevin Skelton said Mr Eslake had significantly raised the profile of the bank's economic research department since joining the firm in late 2011.
Saul Eslake, who was a former chief economist at ANZ Bank, and also did a stint at the the Grattan Institute, a Melbourne-based think tank, sold his Melbourne home last year to move back home to Hobart.
The authoritative voice on Australia’s housing market, sold his the Potter home in an off-market transaction.
The property, at 25 Manning Road, sold for $2.7 million through Tim Derham, of Abercromby's. Eslake and partner Linda had paid $580,000 in 1995.