15 Thompson Street, Kensington


About Assemble
7 projects listed
Assemble is a housing developer and community manager on a mission to challenge our country’s housing crisis to come up with new ideas on how we can create a better, fairer system.

Recent news and updates

3 years ago
Assemble’s Build to Rent to Own (BTRTO) housing model is delivered through Assemble Futures.
How Melbourne developer Assemble is changing the game for first home buyers
How Melbourne developer Assemble is changing the game for first home buyers
3 years ago
The project will support home buyers onto the property ladder by offering "a rent with the option to buy" model.
Assemble's Kensington's apartment development, 15 Thompson St. commences construction
Assemble's Kensington's apartment development, 15 Thompson St. commences construction
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