Albero, Greensborough - 4 Poulter Avenue, Greensborough

Point Architects

About Point Architects
23 projects listed

Point Architects is one of Melbourne’s leading, multi-disciplined architectural practices. Since it was established in 2000, the practice has earned a strong reputation for delivering considered and innovative designs.

We are committed to the creation of quality architecture and interiors through a process of constant evolution. Every project involves a deep understanding of the client brief, a thoughtful design concept, and a consideration of construction feasibility and budget. This process allows us to manage each project from the point of view of our client, which leads to successful projects and longstanding client relationships.

Led by the studio’s directors, Edgar Grech and Carmine Santomartino our West Melbourne studio comprises around 25 highly experienced architects, designers, and documenters. Our success is built on our diverse field of expertise, our strong theoretical and practical background, and our hands-on project management.

Whether we are working on small or large scale projects, we pride ourselves on recognising the architectural opportunity locked within each site. We aim to develop design outcomes that maximise each site’s potential and exceed all expectations.

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Recent news and updates

Point Architects
Point Architects
5 months ago
As part of a Victorian Government high-priority precinct, the suburb is expected to see a population increase of seven per cent by 2027, which has spurred demand for housing.
The impact Albero apartments has had on the Greensborough community
The impact Albero apartments has had on the Greensborough community
Point Architects
Point Architects
9 months ago
Residents of Albero will be within close proximity to Greensborough’s generous transport offerings, with the newly developed Greensborough Station located just a short stroll away for... Read more
First home buyers target Citinova's Albero Greensborough apartments
First home buyers target Citinova's Albero Greensborough apartments
Point Architects
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